More pictures than words this time I think.
Inspiration by Joanna, recipe by Dan Lepard, resulting bread scrolls courtesy of a very little skill, some patience and an oven....

Dusted with sugar and good to go. These are made using the lovely soured cream dough - see
here for original recipe.

I made up the full amount of dough, and then used just over half for these rolls. The other half went to make a standard loaf. Stretch the dough, keep stretching, it'll get there eventually. Half cranberry, half raisin and cinnamon.

Roll up tightly and then cut into slices. Place in lined tin and allow to proove.
This will happen eventually - longer if your kitchen is chilly, shorter if you sit the tin on top of the cooker when you're cooking something else.... I can't quite remember how long I baked them for - try about 30-35 minutes.

All dusted with icing sugar and ready to eat. Curiously these weren't the best example of bread scrolls I've made. I preferred these owl rolls. I think it's to do with the ratio of crust to crumb with this dough. They were great, but not amazing. Good to grab for breakfast on the go, even better dipped into hot chocolate....
They look pretty good to me! Maybe you need a stickier filling - possibly adding chocolate spread to the cranberries?
Y.U.M!!!! Love the two fillings approach ... Suelle is on the right track with the chocolate spread lol
They look perfect and very yummy!
Wow, these look amazing. I am always nervous of making things like this, so I tend to avoid it, but what an end product!
I like the idea of adding cranberries. Was it a Dan Lepard recipe from the Guardian? I'll see if I can find it- they look really good!
oh my, my low carb diet just flew out the window. What's a girl to do?
C, so lovely and even! My scrolls always end up all wonky! I loved the owl rolls too - it's been ages since we made them!
Sue - yes, chocolate spread would be good, and co-incidentally I've just bought some today - too late for this batch though.
Chele - glad you like the look of them!
Maria - thankyou!
Jac - just give them a go! You make loads of things that I daren't do, so I'm sure you'd be fine with these!
Kate - yes, the base recipe is a DL Guardian one. I've linked to it in the post, but it's here too:
I just made it into scrolls. It was DL who first put cranberries into bread for me too!
Diane - you'll just have to start again tomorrow ;-) Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!
Celia - I still think about those owl rolls. Must make them again soon.
These look great! I can imagine dipping these into hot chocolate - ah yum!
They look delicious. Love the idea of the sour cream dough, bet they were loevly and tender.
dipping your bread in hot chocolate sounds very continental - wonderful way to start the day - I am sure I would love them
I love this sort of bun/roll - I love eating them by unwinding them!
I'd happily eat a couple of them for breakfast, no problem.
Brittany - thank!
Katie - the sour cream really does make a lovely soft crumb.
Johanna - I'm sure you would too!
CC - it's always fun to do that!
cityhippyfarmgirl - I made them with breakfast in mind!
oh heavens I am running right into the kitchen to see if I can make these in the morning! YUMMY... and your pics make my mouth water! Thank you so much!
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