Merry Christmas! I hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas, relaxing, peaceful and joyous!
Can you guess what it is yet? Well, obviously the clue is in the title of the post - an Igloo! This is why I don't generally bother to try and decorate my cakes with any degree of creativity - I am simply not creative! However, I fancied giving this a go after a discussion on a message board I read. I wish I had had time to make some little penguins or other decoration, but this week ran away with me.
The main cake was baked in a 1 litre (I think!) pyrex bowl and then some of the extra cake mixture was baked in a little loaf tin, to allow the entrance way to be cut out. I levelled off the top of the cake baked in the bowl to allow it to sit flat on the plate, cut a piece off the little loaf cake and shaped the entrance way and after cutting the main cake in half to put a generous layer of jam in the middle, I covered the whole lot with vanilla buttercream.
Chocolate evaporated milk cake
200g self raising flour
25g cocoa powder
225g caster sugar
110g softened butter
2 eggs
6 ounces evaporated milk -- (a small tin)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 180C/Gas 4. Grease a 1 litre pyrex glass bowl and line with two strips of baking parchment, to form a cross to help the cake come out when cooked. Grease and line a small loaf tin too.
- Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, flour, cocoa powder, vanilla extract and evaporated milk and beat well until mixed.
- Divide between the pyrex bowl and the small tin. Don't overfill the pyrex bowl - the cake will rise as it cooks. I filled mine about 2/3 full.
- Bake the small loaf tin for about 35 minutes, but my pyrex bowl took nearly an hour - the mixture is quite dense. I ended up covering it after about 40 minutes to prevent the top burning - it caught a little, but as I was levelling the top off anyway, this didn't matter.
- Unmould when you can and then allow to cool.
- When cool, decorate as an igloo as described above.
Perhaps cake decoration should be one of my new years resolutions for 2011 - please feel free to laugh loudly at my amateur cake decorating 'skills'!!!
I think it looks fab. Very crrative. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
That's a fine igloo you've built there. I am impressed! Hope you had a fine and happy Christmas, too cold to stay up any later now. Brrrr....
I love your igloo - very fitting with the weather we are having!!
Hope you are having a most wonderful Christmas, I know that your igloo went down a treat, it looks delicious.
seasons greeting - cute little igloo and looks delicious too
Well I think you did a great job! What a cute wee igloo and I love the idea of it being made from cake rather than gingerbread! Hope you had a fab Christmas ;0)
Looks just like an igloo to me. Hope you had a good Christmas.
Katie - thank you!
Joanna - thank you, keep warm...
BG - Thank you. Not quite enough ice for an igloo round here, but getting that way!
Johanna - seasons greetings to you too - hope it was a good Christmas.
Chele - thank you.
Choclette - glad you can recognise it - one of my colleagues thought it looked like a bauble!
I think it looks great! And I love the idea of a chocolate cake hiding under the white icing. Merry Christmas!
Love the igloo - particularly what's inside!
Hope you feel better soon
Foodycat - thanks. My plan was to have a snow white cake (with fondant icing) to contrast with the dark interior - yum! Added the jam just because... well, jam is always good isn't it!
CC - thank you! Feeling better already!
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