60g soft butter
50g caster sugar
80g self raising flour
1 egg
2/3 mashed banana*
40g chopped chocolate
* the other 1/3 had gone black and mushy from the inside and I didn't fancy using it. It all depends on the size of your bananas I suppose. This was sort of medium, so use a small banana.
A slight confession here. I have studiously written down the ingredient amounts and am copying them from the notebook on my lap. I have discovered with some dismay that I have written down neither cooking temperature nor time. So I am assuming temperature is the same as I cook everything else at, and will suggest a sensible-ish time.
- Preheat the oven to gas 4/180C. Grease and line the base and long sides of a dinky loaf tin - mine measures 15x8cm at the top, and is 5cm deep. I suppose it might be a 1/2lb loaf tin, but there wasn't a label stating the size when I bought it. It's much smaller than a 1lb loaf tin anyway.
- Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
- Add the egg and beat until combined then add the flour and repeat the beating until all mixed in.
- Add the mashed banana and stir through, then stir in the chocolate.
- Blob into the prepared tin and place in the oven.
- My guesstimate at cooking time is 30 minutes, but it's a case of test and see when it's done. I use a wooden cocktail stick and when it comes out clean, the cake is done.
- Remove from tin and allow to cool completely on a wire rack before slicing and eating.
Enjoy! I love making banana cakes because the house always smells so delicious while they are cooking.... mmmmm banana-ry!
I'm guessing this would keep quite well, with the banana adding moisture to the cake, but because it was such a little cake I didn't get the chance to find out...
ooh, I want a mii loaf tin - looks very cute
I am in love with my dinky little loaf tins - I keep eight and use them to bake mini Christmas cakes!
I have a mini loaf tin too - but I am still to use it - I must give this a try - looks fab
I have a mini loaf tin I bought in TK Maxx and have only used it once. These look so delish and I'm going to try these, thanks for sharing.
That looks great - I love making mini versions ... helps reduce the guilt ;0)
That looks like a good one! I have those little tins too - since Christmas and making Celia's mini christmas cakes - I use them to make small rye breads as not everyone wants to eat huge quantities of that
That looks like a good one! I have those little tins too - since Christmas and making Celia's mini christmas cakes - I use them to make small rye breads as not everyone wants to eat huge quantities of that
It's almost worth baking cakes for the smell alone. I too have some mini loaf tins - 4 which I use for making christmas cake presents as well as for left over cake mix which I sometimes get when making cupcakes.
Hmm, you're all making me want more than one of these tins, just so that I can do lots of mini things!
Joanna, rye bread as a little loaf sounds like a really good idea.
Chele - that's what I tell myself too - less cake equals less guilt!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lovely and I haven't had banana loaf for ages. I think adding chocolate makes all the difference to a loaf :)
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