I won't reproduce the recipe as I followed it pretty closely, and it can be found here.
I actually made these much earlier in the month, around the time when I was baking to raise money for Comic Relief and took them into work at about the same time as these butterfly cakes and this gingerbread. They went down well, but to be honest I think I must have overcooked them slightly. They weren't burnt or anything, but they were mostly crunch and very little chew. I don't think I'd make them again, not because there was anything wrong with them but just because there are so many other cookie recipes out there for me to try - why stick with mediocre (but perfectly acceptable) when there could be a stellar recipe out there, just the next flick of the cookery book page, waiting for me to try it out.... Anyhow, your taste might differ to mine, so don't be put off making them - the recipe works well, I just wasn't overwhelmed. My colleagues liked them, but preferred the cake.... well, who wouldn't prefer cake really!
PS I promise I did put the specified amount of chocolate into them, it's just hiding, that's why you can't see it in the picture!!!
Your cookies turned out great but I am sorry to hear they weren't a hit for you.
Thanks for taking part and hope you will join us again!
Hi C, it's lovely to be viewing your cookies :0) They look great to me but sorry to hear they weren't such a hit for you.
Thanks so much for taking part this month at S&SB and I do hope you will join us with out next bake :0)
Rosie x
The cookies have turned out so well! Looks so mouth-watering :)
they look lovely to me!
wow!those cookies looks delicious and perfect.LOL well,mine chcolate chips is hiding too!:)
Great job on the cookies!
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