This was theoretically a really good idea, and I might get round to repeating the combination of flavours, but just to show that sometimes the smallest ingredient can be the most important here we have my latest complete disaster. Next time I'll follow the recipe including the... baking powder. D'oh!!!

Needless to say I didn't taste it!
Awww that's a shame - it looks like it would have been really pretty.
Oh dear. It does look like a sculpture though!
The worst part of a disaster for me is the waste of ingredients but it happens to the best of us, that's how we learn ;o)
What a shame - it looked like it had great potential.
We've all done it - put a glorious cake in the oven and then had that "doh! moment" about 20 mins later
What a pity, it looks like such a nice cake too!
Good to know other people do that too!!!!
we've all been there!
sorry to hear about this one but is is always interesting to see just how important ingredients are in recipes when you see how it turns out without them.
Thats a shame, we all make mistakes sometimes. I would still have tried to eat it! Although maybe not kept it for long. Trya gain as the combination sounds yummmy
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